Friday, December 22, 2006

Happy Holidays


In this time of uncertianty, its nice to know that no matter what, the holidays still roll around.  Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year.  Not really because of the gifts I may get or receive, but its what the holiday season does to people.  Everyone seems to really get what LOVE means.  Hearts open up, people smile more, they wish each other Happy Holidays in passing (and actually mean it).  We remember what giving is, and open up our pocketbooks to charities and people in need.  


It’s what makes this season special! The warmth of life in December, the shared meals, the shared laughter, and many many memories.


My wish for each of you is that you have a warm, loving place to celebrate the season.  Please, also take a moment to remember those of our brothers and sisters that arent home with us this season.  They are overseas serving in the Military, and won’t get the option of spending time at home this holiday.  Send them warm thoughts!  And thank them when you see them around.  Its because of what they do that you CAN disagree with the war if you so choose!


If you know of any military spouses who will be home alone, or for that matter anyone who will be home alone on Christmas, invite them over!  Share your family with them!  Trust me in knowing that will be the best gift they will get!


Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!  And the best for a fun, exciting, challenging new year!!

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