Thursday, June 28, 2007

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Catching the sun....

Sunset Cruise 053
Originally uploaded by floridaken77
This is another great thing about FL -- we have some of the Most beautiful sunsets!! :-) Come down and see em sometime!!

Riding into the storm

Riding into the storm
Originally uploaded by floridaken77
Florida weather is so crazy -- this is what its like -- half stormy, half not....

This picture taken coming over the skyway bridge.

Old School Meets New School

(from PerezHilton)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Check out this video


You've got to watch this video. It was produced for Cyndi
Lauper's True Colors tour this summer, and it's a pretty amazing
testament to one of most heartbreaking problems in our country

Thousands of people are attacked every year because of their
sexual orientation, and there's still no federal hate crimes law
to protect them.

It would mean a lot to me if you could take a minute to watch
the video and write your Senators, and then pass this along to
five friends. Just go to:

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

US States renamed--well not officially

An interesting map.....Renames the states based on countries with similar GDPs (Gross Domestic Product)

Monday, June 11, 2007

FW: Have you heard?

Guess who President Bush wants to be the next U.S. Surgeon

Hint: His past writings indicate that he believes homosexuality
is a "lifestyle" choice that should be "cured," and he has
compared reproductive organs to plumbing parts.

His name is Dr. James Holsinger. And he's the man America might
be depending on for sound medical advice.

Holsinger's record seems to demonstrate that he is uninterested
in the best scientific information available; instead, he allows
his anti-gay bias to inform his medical judgments.

That means that instead of hearing the usual warnings against
smoking and drinking, America might be subjected to a new one
that says, "homosexuality is unnatural and unhealthy!"

I'm outraged - and I knew you would be, too. But we can do
something to stop Holsinger from becoming our nation's top
doctor. I wrote my Senators, telling them to vote NO on his
nomination. Will you join me?

The Senate needs to hear from as many of us as possible - so
that they have no choice but to listen.

Take action today at:

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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Red Shirt Bone-anza

Gay Days 033
Originally uploaded by floridaken77
WOW... this was just after the parade @ Gay Days. A billion red shirts (r so it seemed). We were watching from the Train Station at the gate, and it was very very very moving... Good thing I had my water proof mascara.

And -- the crazy thing was the sun came out in full force for the parade, and as the parade wrapped up, it clouded up again!

As usual -- more pictures @