Thursday, November 30, 2006


I am a buzzy optical illusion! Don't look too long

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Favorite time of the year

Comes when I can get a yummy Pumpkin Spice Latte. Sure, its a sellout to a corporate giant, but they sure are good. I do at least get my at home coffee from a local gem of a place -- Mazarros (you MUST go if you haven't been) Low acid coffee is the best.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Just another Week

So, as my Sistahs are out cruising the oceans like a Caribbean Queen, I am sitting in the office, pretty much bored.   There is a spit of work that comes in here and again, but not much.  I guess I shouldn't complain, as we will be hella busy come January through April, and by then I will be ready for a vacation.   I am hoping to make it to Fort Bottomdale, er Lauderdale for my birthday celebration, which will probably be pushed back to memorial day, just to make it a bit easier, and to extend it a bit!!
Its also the start of the Holiday Season, so there is SOOOO much going on, Anthony's work Holiday party, my work Holiday just never ends.  I won't get a breath until probably May of 2007 :-)
But a busy bee is a happy bee eh!!
I got this in my fortune cookie "Don't forget to to do good deeds as you accumlate wealth"

Ken P.

Visit my blog @

Saturday, November 25, 2006

From our sistahs

We received this beautiful amaryllis for turkey day from our lovely sistahs and gaybors. I can't wait for it to be fully in bloom

Friday, November 24, 2006

My loving husband

Loves to have his picture taken....NOT

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The cold continues

Brrr. I tell you what, It sure doesn't take long to get thin Florida Blood. I used to make fun of the people who tossed on a sweater when the mercury hit the 60's....but here I am...decked out in my wool sweater like its 30 degrees outside.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Brrrrrr (and no, the cars NOT moving)

So as you can see, it didn't get much above sixty today-- the snowbirds are loving it because its better than 30, but us floridians think its too early to be this cold. Hope this isn't a sign of the season!!!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Wonderful, Spectacular People!!

Originally uploaded by floridaken77.
What a wonderful spectacular group of people we have in the HK Garden club! Its remarkable. We had about 30 minutes of pure chaos (but fun as all get out) but managed to get 20 food baskets put together for DayStar center, and let me tell you -- each basket probably held enough to feed a family! WOW!!!

On Friday night we went with our gaybors shopping -- which, believe it or not was FUN. And some random woman gave us $20.00 when we told her we were buying for charity food baskets! People are still good deep down, and thats what so GREAT about the holiday season. We get infected by the good feeling of giving!!

So keep giving, the more you give, the more you will receive!! Lets make a few happy Christmases out there!

Hugs & Kisses to all my Wonderful Neighbors!


Saturday is Market day. Nothing better than fresh veggies and fresh squeezed OJ. Plus spending time in this beautiful fall florida weather!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Getting Ready for Dreamgirls

Just a little teaser. I hate to admit this and get my gay card taken away -- but I never knew where this song was from. I heard it done before (by drag queens)...but now I do. I am excited about seeing this movie, and just as an FYI, the dreamgirls website is not LOL.... its This, BTW, is the lovely and unmatched Jennifer Holliday!


It is totally tooo nice to be working. This is the view from our office. Not MY office miind you, at least not yet

Full Circle

So, it appears that we have now come full circle! Wal-Mart -- once praised by Christians for its narrow view points on many issues is now going to be boycotted by "Christian Activists" on black friday. (On a separate note, its always funny how anyone who decides against what Christians believe is an activist judge, but when a judge decided the 2000 elections, he wasn't an activist, but a fair judge..hmmm)....

So, the "Christians" are staging a "save wal-mart" campaign--because Walmart is now promoting the Homo. Agenda and helping to undermine marriage (divorce anyone?).

Anyway, take a look for your self. Though I hate to provide them with traffic, I find it very funny to read their point of view, and see just how far things can be skewed.

I find it particularly interesting that there is a blurb on their flyer about the morning after pill, and how wal-mart is helping to kill little boys and girls in the "privacy of American homes." Which would be my point exactly -- if you don't wanna take the pill--hey don't take it :-) Enjoy, laugh, get pissed off...I just know I won't be shopping at Wal Mart on Black Friday, and it has more to do with the crowds of bargain hunters than the few Activist Christians that may be on hand. (LINK HERE) (its a PDF File, and the website is

Another HILARIOUS webclip!!

So, this guy is local(ish) ... you go.. show em whose boss!! Weatherman vs. the ROACH of DOOM

Boring Day...

When the cats away, the mice will play...atleast so the say...
All the bosses are away, and short of being able to come to work casual--there isn't much civil disobedience going on around here.

We have training later today (not that fun) and a quick happy hour later...But the highlight of the day will be getting to see the rhaki sisters :-)
Ken Peterson
Sent via wireless Palm Treo.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Just for the heck of it

Picture 012
Originally uploaded by floridaken77.
Just thought I would share one of the wonders of living in FLORIDA! I love the warm weather, and the plants it allows us (well okay, not so much ME) to grow! My beau is good in the yard though!

This was at a neighborhood function ( and again, the lighting was just too good to pass up! I should carry my camera around with me more often!!

Against Nature?

I found THIS article on that was interesting. Apparently (which most of us knew) there are Gay Animals running around the wild king..err...queendom out there! So its NOT only about procreation.

But I guess the animals "decided" to be gay too, after weighing all their options...

The "bean"

Originally uploaded by floridaken77.
So, back a little while we took a trip to Chicago -- my partner was attending the Out & Equal conference, and I just tagged along!

I miss the big city a little bit --- there is so much to do, and neat stuff you don't see in little city's like St. Pete. We don't have YOGA in the park, we don't have the big beautiful skyscrapers (thats a whole nother post), we don't have the city art projects (like the bean). But, big cities tend to be nice to visit -- but usually a bane to live in.

I love living in the gayborhood, and wouldn't dream of giving it up, and will get my fill of the big city when I travel -- and we love to do that! So you never know where you might see us next!!


This is one of THE funniest "viral videos" I have seen in a while!!

Pots n Sun

Pots n Sun
Originally uploaded by floridaken77.
I am , by hobby, a photographer, so you undoubtedly see much of my work pass through this blog. I don't take photos to try to sell them, I do it because its cathartic, and gives me a creative outlet.

We had this function where we were dealing with flower pots, and the sun was streaming in JUST right.. so while the composition isn't perfect (being how it was inside..) the light playing with the pots was fabulous! I just couldn't not take the picture, and now I can't not share it!

My Dee'Lightful Husband

My Dee'Lightful Husband
Originally uploaded by floridaken77.
This, by way of introduction, is my delightfully handsome husband...well not techincally--we do live in the US...but he's mine..all mine... :-)

'Lil Ole Me.....

This is me -- just a lazy day on the porch. Thought a picture would be a great way of introduction!

Check out my profile @